View of Piney Mountain
©Drew Chaney
This 7.75 acre lake in the Mountain Valley neighborhood is adjoined by two smaller ponds to the west and south. Unfortunately, the lake is usually devoid of ducks in the winter months, though Common Goldeneye has been recorded. Wood Ducks are found here in summer. The best birding here is done by walking the road and neighborhood trails for passerines. The shrubby thickets east of the lake and up the mountain to the southwest can offer close views of Prairie Warblers, and both species of tanager are frequent. The lake margins are home to nesting Orchard Orioles, and in winter, a trail to the northeast of the lake just west of the large powerline offers ideal Red-breasted Nuthatch habitat. Another short trail is located towards the top of the hill that connects to Cottontail Way, and features mountain laurel thickets home to breeding Worm-eating Warblers. This location's mix of early-successional habitat, mature forests, and residential areas, with open sky views allows for the opportunity to observe a large number of species on any given day. Albemarle County’s only modern summer record of Blue-winged Warbler comes from this location, a male photographed in young pines up the mountain in June 2020.
Important Note: This location is residential, so please be respectful of homeowners and do not trespass on private property. Birding from the road and trails is permitted, and despite the “residents only” sign, no issues with viewing the lake from the small dock have been reported.
eBird Hotspot: Jessups Lake
—Drew Chaney, February 2023