Oak Brooke Park — Birding Virginia

Oak Brooke Park

Oak Brooke Park is a small suburban park nestled between the Willow Brook neighborhood and Greenbrier Christian Academy. A mowed trail running east to west from the playground area to Shadow Brook Drive passes next to a small pond with a few primitive access points. This pond is surrounded by woody vegetation, some of which has fallen into the water and created structure for hunting Green Herons during the appropriate seasons. The habitat in the areas south and east of the pond consists of dense regrowing forest that is composed of several native shrub and tree species and seems promising for shrub-loving migrant passerines. The combination of dense vegetation and standing water is a combination that can prove productive for interesting late fall and mid-winter passerine species like Orange-crowned or Black-and-white Warblers.

Free street parking is available along Hidden Falls Lane, Sand Willow Drive, and Shadow Brook Drive.

At Shadow Brook Drive, the trail that originates at Oak Brooke Park crosses the road into the Chesapeake Arboretum trail system.

eBird Hotspot: Oak Brooke Park

—Nick Newberry
