James River Heritage Trail at Percival's Island Natural Area (City of Lynchburg)

The trail is short but the views are amazing. The section of trail within Lynchburg's city limits runs from the city-famous ‘LOVE’ sign to a wooden bridge that crosses to Percival’s Island in Amherst.

The best time to bird this trail system is from late spring through late summer. This is not a spot to look for waterfowl in the winter, although the occasional Mallard is seen here. In late spring species such as Yellow-throated Warblers, Prothonotary Warblers, orioles, and Warbling Vireos show up to breed and although most of them breed on the Amherst side, there is the odd bird that sings from the Lynchburg section of the trail. Great Egrets are sometimes seen foraging along the banks of the river and a pair of Bald Eagles that nest on the island are often seen soaring above the trail. In late summer the sky fills with the chatter and wingbeats of Chimney Swifts coming south in migration accompanied by a handful of swallows and nighthawks, grabbing a bite to eat over the river in the last few moments of daylight.

Accessibility: The trail to Percival’s Island is part of the Lynchburg Riverwalk, which in turn links with other trails in the city. There is a public parking area directly adjacent to Percival’s Island.

eBird Hotspot: James River Heritage Trail at Percival’s Island Natural Area (City of Lynchburg)

Owner/Manager: City of Lynchburg

—Logan Anderson