Located next to the Orange County Airport, this park features athletic fields, a playground, and a covered picnic area. For birders, this offers a good place to view the airport for Northern Harrier, American Kestrel, Eastern Meadowlark, Horned Lark, and Vesper and Savannah Sparrows in appropriate seasons. The weedy fence lines along Bloomsbury Road are a good place to find sparrows, in particular Grasshopper in summer, and White-crowned and Savannah in winter. The scrubby habitat east of the ballfields holds promise for sparrows and fall migrants, and Northern Bobwhite has also been seen there. The expansive views and proximity to the northernmost low ridges of the Southwest Mountains could make it a good hawkwatching site as well, however, as with pretty much everywhere in Orange, there isn’t enough data to really know.
eBird Hotspot: Booster Park
—Drew Chaney