College of William and Mary — Birding Virginia

College of William and Mary

The campus has three identifiable sections, colloquially referred to by students as Ancient, Old, and New Campuses. Ancient Campus, on the eastern side near Merchant’s Square, is the part most frequently visited by tourists due to the presence of the historic Wren Building. This area is largely open, well-maintained lawns with scattered trees which occasionally attract migrants. In winter, large flocks of Cedar Waxwings often gather here to feast on holly berries, while in summer the gardens by the President’s house usually have Ruby-throated Hummingbirds. The middle section of campus is organized around the Sunken Garden, a large open lawn where students often congregate in nice weather. The open view from the Sunken Garden makes it a good place to watch the sky, both for migrating raptors and aerial insectivores like Chimney Swifts and, if one is lucky, migrating Common Nighthawks. Some of the best birding to be had on campus is on the western portion. Between the Sadler Center and Swem Library is a wooded section with walking paths that connects the Crim Dell gardens to Ukrop Way. Walking these paths on spring mornings can be a good way to encounter migrant warblers, vireos, and tanagers. This section also typically hosts several Barred Owls, which can often be heard calling to each other at night. One of the main draws of birding on campus is the presence each winter of a flock of 300+ Rusty Blackbirds. The flock tends to move around erratically on campus, but is frequently encountered on the lawn in front of Swem Library; by DuPont Hall; near the fraternity houses opposite Kaplan Arena; or in the wet areas between Swem and Sadler Center.

Accessibility: The College of William & Mary campus is centrally located within the City of Williamsburg, and conveniently accessible from most parts of the City. Visitors should note, however, that parking on campus is strictly enforced during the week and fines can be quite hefty. Those looking to bird on campus will want to stop first at Parking Services to purchase a visitor’s pass, except on Saturday or Sunday when parking in Faculty/Staff and Day Student spaces is free and unrestricted. The campus is also easily accessible via a short walk from public parking areas in Merchant’s Square and street parking on Richmond Road.

Owner/Manager: College of William & Mary

eBird Hotspot: College of William and Mary

Matt Anthony
